Library Collection:  Any member of the library can recommend the purchase of a desired or relevant book to the librarian. Books are ordered and procured through a variety of measures such as book fairs, catalogues from vendors/publishers, faculty and student recommendations, or online via Amazon and other academic websites. Faculty and students can also purchase a book from airport or railway station bookshops and donate it to the library for which they will be reimbursed.

Currently we have over 9000 titles and 12,000 volumes of general books. General books are books related to the disciplines of business and management that are useful for the students, faculty, staff and research scholars. We also have course-related textbooks in the library that are issued to the students at the beginning of each trimester. We have close to 100 titles and 10,000 volumes of these books.                                  

We subscribe to print and online journals, electronic databases, and magazines to support the academic needs of our stakeholders. We currently subscribe to 26 International Journals, 24 National Journals, and 3 Electronic Databases (Scopus, ProQuest, J-Gate). We also subscribe to World E-Library (for ebooks) and Capital Line Database. Our magazines are divided into 3 main categories: Academic, Competitive Exams Oriented, and General. In terms of E-learning and e-resources, we offer the access to kindle e-readers, digital books, free e-books, audio books, and videos from a variety of sources.

We also conduct a knowledge series session in which top 10 books from various fields of management studies are promoted in the library for students to read. We also have a Sadbhav Centre as a crucial part of the library which conducts talks and discussions on spirituality.

    Books: Titles = 9000 (approx.) Volumes = 12,000 (approx.)
  • Course Related Textbooks Recommended by Faculty Members = 10,000 (approx.)
  • Journals: International = 26, National = 34
  • Magazines = 28
  • Databases = 3 (Scopus, Proquest, J Gate)
  • Digital Repository = Top 100 Ted Talks, Top 100 Speeches (and growing everyday)
  • Kindle E-readers = 8
  • CDs and DVDs = 271
  • Multimedia PCs = 6
  • E-books = 37,21,814
  • Scientific Calculators = 10
  • Bluetooth Headphones = 3
  • Total Number of Newspapers = 12 (English = 8; Hindi = 4)
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Days Timings
Monday - Saturday 9:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M.
Second Saturday, Sunday, Public Holidays Closed
Examination Period The library remains open from 8:30 am - 8:30 pm two weeks before the mid-term and end-term examination period.
Circulation Hours 10:15 am - 11:15 am
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

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